Thursday, November 18, 2010

Corn Dogs and Waffles

No husband home to make dinner for tonight. Usually this would be a breakfast-for-dinner kind of night, and the kids and I would be excited to have fried potatoes, french toast, or some such stuff. (Jason's not big on breakfast-for-dinner. He'll eat it, but there's a mental block there for the poor guy. I think that's insane. I mean, what can be more fun than breakfast for dinner, right??)

Don't feel like making potatoes. No bread for french toast. No fruit left in the house. No motivation to make anything whatsoever. So...

...yep, you guessed it. Corn dogs and frozen waffles for dinner. Can we find one trace of anything nutritional or healthy in either of these items? I think not. Did I think about at least trying to feed my children something decent? Yes. Did that go anywhere? Nope.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.

1 comment:

Maria the Great said...

been there, done that oh so many times - too many to count, and definitely too many to blog about! This made me giggle & boy can I empathize. Tim's out of town right now, as a matter of fact. :)