Sunday, August 8, 2010

All 4 kids in One Spot!

I've been meaning to get this done since we got home from seeing Kelvin and Hawa... to put all four kids in one spot! It's the closest we can come to seeing them altogether for now... but we certainly hope that changes! We desire to see all four of our amazing kids in ONE photo! I can just imagine the giggles, the scuffles over who-sits-where, the joyful and sly smiles... can't wait for the day it really happens! For now, we'll settle for this... :)

Also- I realize I don't write much regarding Anika and Asher. I think of this blog as the place to update about the adoption, and it also has been therapeutic in processing stuff coming home from Liberia. There may be a little caution in me to keep their lives private as well, and to respect the fact that they may not want details about them out there for just anyone to read. BUT... you should know that they are my JOY!!!!!!!!!! They blow me away every day. I hate to sound like one of those annoying moms who portray her kids as perfect little angels, but seriously... they're pretty amazing in my book! It wasn't always so... certainly, we've had hard parenting seasons where I thought I'd tear every last hair out of my head! But we've tried to be consistent and loving and to be genuine up-close examples of Jesus to them, and somehow, despite our many flaws and selfish tendencies, they're turning out to be amazing little people.

I could write entire books on each of them... their personalities, their strengths and weaknesses, our hopes and dreams for each of them., and how we SO look forward to seeing the world-changing things that the Lord will do with their willing hearts. I have seen maturity in them that I am able to learn from... forgiveness, obedience, desire to please their Father, patience and perseverance to seek the Lord for their brother and sister's adoption... some of the same things that the Lord is trying to hammer into my own thick skull! It's really pretty amazing to be able to be learning these things together!

With kiddos like this, you can see that we are convinced that children truly are a blessing... and at least one of the reasons we seek to fill our house with more! :)

1 comment:

Maria the Great said...

you can see their sweetness in their smiles