Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Liberia Part 5: Adoption News

Angel had meetings in Liberia yet again to try to see where adoptions are headed. The news is not good... in fact, it's downright discouraging if God is not the only one you put your hope in. I'll just reference her blog because there's no use me repeating the info that she does such a clear job at writing.

To be honest, after being in Liberia and seeing how things really happen, I find it almost humanly impossible to see adoptions taking place there. I am thankful to know that with God, all things are possible.

So... we are really no closer to being able to bring Kelvin and Hawa home. It has always been out of our hands, and it remains so... good thing God has a purpose and a plan that he's working out. We know that no matter what, if they come home to us or if they must stay in Liberia, God's ways are good and we will trust him. We wonder at times if he has used Kelvin and Hawa to bring our hearts to Liberia, quite literally... and that he has plans he will unfold in his time that are bigger than what we could have seen with our tunnel vision. Well, we don't wonder anymore... we know that is what is happening... we just don't know what it all means as of yet.

Keep praying though... we will not give up, we will not lose heart... we are in love with our children, and we desire to have them in our arms everyday.

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