Thursday, December 17, 2009

Birthdays for Boys!!!

Just a quick post to honor Kelvin and Asher who both have birthdays this week. :)
Happy 7th birthday to Kelvin on Tuesday, and Happy 8th birthday to Asher in 2 days (Saturday)!! Brothers with birthdays in the same week... pretty cool, I'd say.

Thank you, God, for my boys.
I love boys; they're just the coolest little beings. I love their energy and their intensity, their sweetnesss and their smells.
Love 'em.
Grow them up to be like you, Jesus... to be intent on the Father's will, to be tuned to the needs of others, to be strong and mighty warriors for your kingdom, to be leaders with integrity through servanthood, to walk humbly with their God.
Thank you, God, for my boys.


Maria the Great said...

hey, just checking in. so great to read your post(s)...the last two I had not read. Boys are the best & how inspiring to read your words.
Tim filled me in on his conversation with J the other day. Praying for you wait & discern.

Dede Knutson said...

Dear Corrie,

I first need to apologize because you have been so strong in my heart for probably the past month and I have not verbally shared that with you. I have been going to the Lord for you all and asking Him to bring Kelvin and Hawa to their Leubke family's home. I am sure this is so difficult - the waiting. I will continue to ask God for favor for those two beautiful children, as in my human mind, I think it would be "best" for them to be here with you than in the orphanage. God does know what's best for them because he loves them so much more . . . yes, we all know that, but - well, just "but..." I will keep following your story. You are an amazing family and I thank God for you. I would love it if we could see each other more often (funny how that works - we go to the same church, but aren't really in the same "circles")

With a burdened heart and much love for you,
Dede Knutson

P.S. I like your write-up about boys. Here's a definition I think fits them:

boy: a noise with dirt on it.