Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"As I have purposed, so it will stand..."

There is a bill being passed today in Liberia. It will either be pro-adoption, or anti-adoption. Because of the recent things happening there, we can't help but think that it may not be favorable. In their (the NGOs - Non Government Agencies - that continue to influence Liberia's lawmakers) words, adoption is equated to being a "harmful practice" for children. They are very anti-international adoption, even though they are organizations that seek to better the lives of children...and they do some wonderful things for them. Their stance is that it is harmful to take a child from their culture & people group.
If this law passes with the anti-adoption verbage, we may find it leads to the end of adoptions in Liberia.

Today is the first time that I have fathomed the thought that maybe... maybe I won't be able to bring my kids home. Obviously, that tears me apart, and then brings me pleading to the Lord to ask him to INTERVENE!

God led me today to Isaiah 14:24 & 27"The Lord Almighty has sworn, 'Surely, as I have promised, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand...For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?'"

If they are OUR children, then NOTHING can stop them from coming home. We want to be ready to yield to whatever God has planned for us & for Kelvin and Hawa. As Jason reminded me, this is not the first road block we have had, and it's not the first time that God would have to act in a huge way to bring kids to our family. The only difference is that we are a bit more prepared for the battle because we have seen his goodness again and again, even though it is very difficult. And in scripture, over and over again, God strips away any illusion that we can do anything about a situation... so that he can do it, and receive the glory for it.

We are very concerned, but clinging to the knowledge that GOD IS BIGGER AND CAN CUT OFF HIS ENEMIES! We're thankful for your love and friendship, and we ask you to stand with us in asking for God's intervention for the children of Liberia, and for Kelvin and Hawa specifically!

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